Full time MBA



Voicing Yourself

Presence and the use of the voice are critical components of managerial life and practice. Students are challenged in a hands-on workshop taught by a leading voice and movement coach to develop their full expressive capacity, focusing on vocal performance and embodied presence. This is done through a series of sessions that include breathing, vocal, and physical exercises. Participants in prior offerings have reported significant improvement in their quality of sound, physical expression, confidence, power, and effectiveness in formal presentations and everyday lives.
• Duration: 8H
• Participants: up to 70 students

Collaboration Boot Camp

This session provides you with an opportunity to get up to speed on the full range of collaboration skills needed in any complex and diverse workplace. Grounded in a developmental approach to collaboration, the session will provide you with an evidence-based overview of the factors that make collaboration successful. We'll start by untangling the intra-and inter-personal threads that make people more likely to cooperate with one another, and then analyze how meetings, coordination and communication can be structured in ways that draws out the best performance of the collective. This interdisciplinary session uses lectures, discussions and feedback based on problem-based exercises to give you the tools needed to enhance your experience of collaboration at Rotman and beyond.
• Duration: 4H
• Participants: up to 70 students


Embarking on a career with a greater level of responsibility requires being able and willing to take on complex problems, those that require not just better technical skills, but also a deep self-understanding and outstanding interpersonal abilities. Being in a position of leadership requires maintaining a laser-sharp focus, knowing where bias may enter your decision-making, what old habits may lead to a lack of productivity (and paths to change them), how to employ emotional intelligence to solve inter-personal conflicts, and just how and when to exert your will-power without getting burnt out.
• Duration: 10H
• Participants: up to 70 students




Students get individualized feedback on their performance during a presentation, including body language, tone, eye contact, verbal habits, and overall rapport and connectedness with the audience. They receive precise, timely, individualized feedback guided by a framework that challenges them to consider the impact that everything they say and do in public has on the effectiveness and efficacy of their communication, and the persuasiveness of their presentation. They will leave the session in possession of a communication compass - a set of structured questions that will help them model and understand their intent and purpose in making a presentation, and the degree to which the presentation itself achieves your purpose.
• Duration: 1.5H
• Participants: A team (3-5 students)


Making Groups Work

Participants receive individualized feedback on their interactions with teammates during a real-time (in-person or online) group problem-solving session. The focus is on what interactions communicate implicitly about us and our approach to professional relationships. In the session, we explore how different ways of interacting can interfere with collaborative work. Through detailed analysis of the video-recordings of the interactions with teammates, participants will learn about how they manage the complex and often hidden interpersonal dynamics involved in collaborative work. They will leave the session with a framework to help them map and manage interpersonal complexity for the purpose of improved relationships and team performance.
• Duration: 1H
• Participants: A team (3-5 students)



Presence is the great X-factor of managerial communication: Are you really there? What does your body say about the message you produce? Are you eliciting real, authentic presence from the others? Students receive individualized feedback regarding the non-verbal cues you exhibit, in either a class presentation or an interview. This module encourages them to witness and compare their own perceptions regarding their presence with the perceptions of those with whom they interact. The session provides a framework for understanding the underpinnings of trustworthiness, rapport, and conveying competence in dyadic and group situations.
• Duration: 1H
• Participants: A team (3-5 students)


Making Feedback Matter

Professional feedback situations range from the innocuous and exchange of canned pleasantries to dread-inducing (being on the either side of inadvertently insulting, offending, or alienating the collocutor). These conversations are rarely welcomed, or seen for what they could be: a rare opportunity to offer or receive the very information that can lead to professional and personal growth, a lever that can elevate one to the new level of performance. In this module, students experience and learn effective practices for structuring the context and content of feedback and practice the emotional, and cognitive inner pre-work required to make giving and receiving feedback truly matter.
• Duration: 2H
• Participants: up to 70 students


Summer Intensive

Developing Your Voice

Students delve into the mind-brain-body workings of personal expressiveness and experience guided practice in honing their expressive capacities. This workshop is highly intensive (enrolment is capped at a maximum of 24 participants). It is meant for future executives who want to heighten their ability to express their thoughts and feelings in inter-personal contexts, and who are interested in mastering the emotional and visceral responses associated with interpersonal communication for the purpose of maximizing their effectiveness as communicators.
• Duration: 30H
• Participants: Up to 24 students


Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3E6